
My customers are the best eevahhh! Thank You!

I have some of the most wonderful customers anyone could ask for. Some found me long ago when I first ventured onto the internet via eBay. I wondered if anyone would want to buy my products back then.
Well it turned out they did and, not only that, they came back again and again. They made suggestions, told other people, found me on Etsy when I opened a second shop there. Contacted me directly when they wanted something special. Sent me e-mails about contests, sent me fabrics they found so I could make something just for them. I know about their families and pets. I know about their vacations. I work with them to create birthday gifts and Christmas gifts for their family, friends and spouses.
They heap praise upon me. Not a week goes by that I don't receive an e-mail filled with words that make me feel that my efforts, on their behalf are repaid, time and time again.
For me, that gratitude is priceless. I've learned this little business, is so much more than just a bag making enterprise. It allows me to connect with people all over the world and, provide something sorely lacking in most commercial internet interactions. Some simple kindness and attention to people's needs. Things I hope for when I shop on the web.
I am humbled by the support and appreciation I receive from all of you.
Thank You

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